SEO Techniques to Improve Your Blog SEO
Blog SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the most important factor to take attention about and also important to learn by a blogger. Every blogger try to improve their blog SEO performance by various methods, as there is many reasons to get organic traffic more than referral traffic. So, here in this article I will tell you few basic SEO techniques to improve your blog SEO but remember that this is not a full guide; here are only few tips which everyone must know and also is important to improve SEO.
Tips to improve your blog SEO:
Always try to write articles which goes over three hundred words to improve attention to your blog by search engines crawlers. However you may know write such article when you are sharing widgets, templates etc. so it is best to describe others that’s features and why they should use it. It is important to improve your blog SEO.
Also read: How your writing style affect your blog?
Keyword in the Title, description and link:
Including keyword in title, description and link of your article will increase more chances of showing your article in better place. Also I highly recommend this to you to follow, as many of search engines use this pattern to arranging the place of results. So it is beneficial for your blog SEO also.
Keyword Stuffing:
Never stuff keywords. Many peoples think that if they use lots of keywords than their blog will get huge traffic from search engines, while it will lower there blog’s traffic. I recommend that you use maximum three keywords, however I use only one.
Also if the topic you have written about is not famous and you cannot think about its keyword, then it would be better to not use keyword because if you use any unrelated keyword than that will also of no use, as search engines will start thinking that the article is spamming them.
If you also use your keyword(s) on your article many times than it can also be bad for your blog SEO. Keeping the density of keywords from 1-2% is important, if you are keeping the keyword density above or below that, then it is not good for SEO.
Keyword in Heading Tags:
Makes sure to include the keyword in heading tags which means you should add your key to heading tags H2-H6, it will also help your blog’s article to come a little in better place.
Bold Keywords:
Bold at least one of your keyword which you have used on your blog. By keeping your keyword(s) in bold you let search engines know that the word is important, so they try to target visitors for that word. However I do not recommend that you bold the same keyword many times, as it may affect your visitors’ experience.
Image Alt tag:
Always be sure to include images with alt tag and also use the keyword which you have used on your article on your image’s alt tag. There are many peoples who search for images and if they found your blog article’s image than they probably also visit on your blog.
Keeping lots of ads on your blog will also affect your blog SEO, so it is better to not keep many advertisements on your blog. If you have many ads than it will also affect your visitors’ experience as no one likes so many ads on any site.
Also before using any ad network always search reviews about them, about did they affect SEO. There are few ad networks which may affect your blog SEO, while few ad networks like Google AdSense, Infolinks etc. didn’t affect any blog SEO.
Also read: How does too many ads affect sites?
Having description is also important because if you didn’t put description on your article than the search engine crawlers will put any sentence from your article and that may also irrelevant to your users. So peoples may ignore your blog article, while when you use description on your articles you will be sure that search engine users will see the relevant description and it will increase CTR (Click through Rate) of your SEO too.
If you are using Blogger blogging platform than you can set the description easily from their and if you are using WordPress than you can use plugins, like WordPress SEO by Yoast.
Google Adword: Keyword Planner:
You can use Google Adword Keyword planner to find best keywords. Google Adword: Keyword Tool is also popular but as Google will soon shut down that, I am not including link for it. By using this you can find most searched keywords from global and various locations monthly and can put on your article. Many of bloggers are even use this tool to get ideas for their latest post. Click here to go to Google Adword Keyword Planner.
From Editor’s Desk:
So these were few basic SEO techniques to improve your blog SEO. And as said above you should not think that there is nothing more to do. There are many of things left to do for better search engine optimization, as I have written only few important and basic SEO tips which you should follow. If you have any question regarding this issue than feel free to leave your message by using the comment box given below.
If this article has helped you than don’t forgot to share it with your friends and family by using share buttons given below. Also you can Like, Follow & Subscribe us on Facebook, Twitter & Feedly. Happy Blogging!
Tips to improve your blog SEO:
Always try to write articles which goes over three hundred words to improve attention to your blog by search engines crawlers. However you may know write such article when you are sharing widgets, templates etc. so it is best to describe others that’s features and why they should use it. It is important to improve your blog SEO.
Also read: How your writing style affect your blog?
Keyword in the Title, description and link:
Including keyword in title, description and link of your article will increase more chances of showing your article in better place. Also I highly recommend this to you to follow, as many of search engines use this pattern to arranging the place of results. So it is beneficial for your blog SEO also.
Keyword Stuffing:
Never stuff keywords. Many peoples think that if they use lots of keywords than their blog will get huge traffic from search engines, while it will lower there blog’s traffic. I recommend that you use maximum three keywords, however I use only one.
Also if the topic you have written about is not famous and you cannot think about its keyword, then it would be better to not use keyword because if you use any unrelated keyword than that will also of no use, as search engines will start thinking that the article is spamming them.
If you also use your keyword(s) on your article many times than it can also be bad for your blog SEO. Keeping the density of keywords from 1-2% is important, if you are keeping the keyword density above or below that, then it is not good for SEO.
Keyword in Heading Tags:
Makes sure to include the keyword in heading tags which means you should add your key to heading tags H2-H6, it will also help your blog’s article to come a little in better place.
Bold Keywords:
Bold at least one of your keyword which you have used on your blog. By keeping your keyword(s) in bold you let search engines know that the word is important, so they try to target visitors for that word. However I do not recommend that you bold the same keyword many times, as it may affect your visitors’ experience.
Image Alt tag:
Always be sure to include images with alt tag and also use the keyword which you have used on your article on your image’s alt tag. There are many peoples who search for images and if they found your blog article’s image than they probably also visit on your blog.
Keeping lots of ads on your blog will also affect your blog SEO, so it is better to not keep many advertisements on your blog. If you have many ads than it will also affect your visitors’ experience as no one likes so many ads on any site.
Also before using any ad network always search reviews about them, about did they affect SEO. There are few ad networks which may affect your blog SEO, while few ad networks like Google AdSense, Infolinks etc. didn’t affect any blog SEO.
Also read: How does too many ads affect sites?
Having description is also important because if you didn’t put description on your article than the search engine crawlers will put any sentence from your article and that may also irrelevant to your users. So peoples may ignore your blog article, while when you use description on your articles you will be sure that search engine users will see the relevant description and it will increase CTR (Click through Rate) of your SEO too.
If you are using Blogger blogging platform than you can set the description easily from their and if you are using WordPress than you can use plugins, like WordPress SEO by Yoast.
Google Adword: Keyword Planner:
You can use Google Adword Keyword planner to find best keywords. Google Adword: Keyword Tool is also popular but as Google will soon shut down that, I am not including link for it. By using this you can find most searched keywords from global and various locations monthly and can put on your article. Many of bloggers are even use this tool to get ideas for their latest post. Click here to go to Google Adword Keyword Planner.
From Editor’s Desk:
So these were few basic SEO techniques to improve your blog SEO. And as said above you should not think that there is nothing more to do. There are many of things left to do for better search engine optimization, as I have written only few important and basic SEO tips which you should follow. If you have any question regarding this issue than feel free to leave your message by using the comment box given below.
If this article has helped you than don’t forgot to share it with your friends and family by using share buttons given below. Also you can Like, Follow & Subscribe us on Facebook, Twitter & Feedly. Happy Blogging!
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